Friday, July 23, 2010

Entertaining Made Easy AND Healthy

Want something easy, fast and healthy to bring to a party? Try this tasty morsel :)

This recipe was given to me by a client of mine. I tried it out and it was so fresh and yummy I had to pass it on!

Summer Shrimp Bites

2 Cucumbers, sliced
1/4-1/2 c. Veganese, a healthy and DELICIOUS alternative to mayo (try it - I swear you'll like it and it's sooo much better for you and your cholesterol)
Wasabi powder, to taste (or even better use fresh wasabi root and grind it down yourself!)
2 avocados, halved and sliced
20-30 shrimp, cooked and chilled
1 lemon

Mix together the Veganese and wasabi powder until it reaches the desired level of flavor and spice. On a tray lay out the sliced cucumbers. Layer on a slice of avocado, a dollop of veganese mixture, and one shrimp. Top with a squirt of lemon and serve. The layers of taste and texture make this a wonderful appetizer. The amount of ingredients can be increased depending on many people you are serving. Enjoy!


  1. Yum! How come you didn't give me any of those? :)

  2. They ARE delicious - I plan to make them as my contribution to a wedding celebration :-)

  3. I am glad you really liked the recipe, I was happy to share it with you. I really miss you a lot! Congrats on all the cool new things happening in your life!
