Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Antibiotic Soup - A Winter's Remedy

Coughing? Sore throat? Congested? Caught a little bug, did ya?! Well I'm here to help. I am going to share with you a soup recipe that was told to me by one of my instructors in culinary school. She swore by it and, now, so do I. It's simple, easy, and actually tastes good. A good time for this is right when you start to feel something coming on, during a sickness, or when you're around others that aren't well. This recipe is a simple broth soup which is great for when you're fighting something off. Digestion takes energy that can be used to fight off illnesses. Therefore, when you're sick, it's best to stick to things that require minimal digestion like broths and juices. Try this recipe and see how it makes you feel.

Antibiotic Soup
Yields: 1 cup

1 tablespoon miso
Garlic, as much as you can stand - I usually use 2-3 cloves
Ginger, as much as you can stand - I usually use 1-2 inches
1/2 lemon, juiced
Cayenne, as much as you can stand - I usually use 1/4 teaspoon
1 cup boiling water

In a bowl mix together miso and hot water. Then add the rest of the ingredients and eat it up!

This is a great recipe and has helped me through lots of illnesses. Feel free to make a larger batch and keep eating it until you start to feel better. All the ingredients are very healing and will help boost your immune system and kill off bad noonies. :) Stay healthy, ya'll!

Here are some other remedies I use:
  • For sore throats: 1-2 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar, honey, and lemon juice added to hot tea. Throat Coat tea by Traditional Medicinals is amazing for sore throats!
  • For respiratory ailments: Put a few drops of eucalyptus oil in your hands and cover your nose and mouth. Take deep breaths allowing the healing effects to reach deep in your lungs. *** Make sure your eyes are closed - it can cause quite the sting. Also, expect to cough, it's natural! :)
  • For sinus congestion: Neti pot, twice a day and Bi Yan Pian (a Chinese herbal remedy that expels mucous)

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