Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates

As a Wholistic Wellness Coach my education and experience has led me to agree completely with Hippocrates. Lucky for me, spending time in the kitchen is one of my favorite ways to express my creativity. Taking on a healthy lifestyle was not as overwhelming for me as it is for others because I love the challenge. I love taking my favorite tastes and flavors from unhealthy comfort foods and finding a way to convert them into something pure and healthy.

However, I'm learning that some people don't like to cook (gasp) and that others don't know what is actually healthy for them (gulp). On the latter, I can definitely relate. I was completely fooled by our society's view of good health and spent most of my time eating canned food and Lean Cuisine meals. Fresh produce made up only a small percentage of my grocery bill. I never understood why I always felt tired and sick because I thought of myself as living a healthy lifestyle. It's easy to be fooled when so many of the foods that aren't healthy are labeled as such.

In today's world it is completely legal for companies to process and package "food" with a large amount of chemicals and preservatives that are toxic to our bodies. Thank goodness our bodies are amazing healers and can handle the toxins they encounter. The majority of our organs are meant to do just that: detoxify (the lungs, kidneys, liver, colon...). However, the problem occurs when the body is so overwhelmed by toxicity that it doesn't have time to detox because it's too busy working on storing the toxins for later removal. My teacher at Sky Hill Institute explained this wonderfully: "Imagine that you're loading your car with trash to bring it to a dumpster. Every time you finish putting one trash bag into your car another is there to be disposed of as well. You are so busy putting the trash into the car that you don't have time to bring it to a dumpster."

One of the keys to good health is learning how to support your body by limiting the amount of toxins it encounters. Changing how we eat can drastically, if not completely, improve our health. Not only will you be helping your body detoxify, you'll also be supplying it with the nutrients it needs. So, I'm here to help you do that.

When I began this journey to a healthier life many of my friends and family members asked me to give them recipes. So, this blog's primary purpose will be to provide great tasting healthy food recipes for those who are interested.

Stay tuned... recipes will follow.


  1. Makes sense - I wish I would have had a website like this to go to 20 years ago! I'm anxious to see the recipes!

  2. Awesome blog Angie! Can't wait to cook and eat healthy food with you when we get a place!
